Learning About Industrial Safety Equipment

About A Problematic Septic Tank System

by Jonathan Carroll

Has your septic tank system been problematic lately and you have no clue what's going on? It the septic tank system isn't simply old and worn out, there are a few different things that can cause problems. This article will point out a few of the common problems that a septic tank system might cause when a repair is needed.

There is a Foul Odor in the Drainfield

The drainfield is the area of a septic tank system in which lines (pipes) are installed beneath the ground. The lines are used for routing wastewater that flows out of the septic tank. Basically, the lines contain numerous holes that are used for assisting with evenly distributing the wastewater. It is possible that the drainfield lines are unable to perform as they should due to tree roots creating a blockage, which can lead to puddles of wastewater sitting in your yard. If there are no trees in your yard, the drainfield lines might be clogged up with dirt.

Sluggishly Functioning Plumbing Fixtures

If you have been noticing that it takes water longer than usual to drain out of plumbing fixtures, it is a sign that the septic tank system needs a repair. For instance, if you flush a toilet and the water bubbles up and takes more than a few seconds to drain out, it is possible that the septic tank is overly full. Even if you recently got the tank pumped, it doesn't mean that there isn't sludge still sitting inside of it. Sludge is basically a mixture of solid waste materials that sink to the bottom of the tank. The sludge is usually relieve naturally by bacteria, but can accumulate if there isn't a sufficient amount of bacteria forming.

Water Seepage Around Toilet Wax Rings

When wastewater begins to continuously accumulate on the floor around the toilet in your bathroom, it is likely due to seepage around the wax ring. The part of a toilet that sits in the floor is called an anchor flange, and the wax wing is installed at the bottom of the anchor flange to prevent wastewater from seeping out. However, when the plumbing system backs up, it can lead to wastewater seeping out around the wax ring. You will likely need to get your septic tank pumped, or repairs need to be made to the drainfield lines. Contact a septic tank company like Southern Sanitary Systems Inc so your system can be inspected and repaired.

